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Langford Parish Council supports Theo Goble and his community project to produce a documentary film about Langford and the people who lived and worked in the village in peace time and served their country in world conflicts.


The project plan has already shown and proved to be of great interest to the community and many people and village organisations have pledged support for this worthwhile venture.


The making of this film has already brought together villagers in a common goal and has strengthened social links between all age groups during a difficult time of isolation and threatened mental health created by the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Parish Council supports the production and presentation of this film in the village  to celebrate the lives and sacrifices of ordinary folk both in peace and in war.



Michelle Albone


Langford Parish Council Clerk and RFO


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The Langford & District History Society has been involved with Theo Goble’s project to document Langford village life

and the contributions and sacrifices of its people. We have been impressed with the content and quality of the film in production and with the research that has been done. This exciting project has aroused considerable interest and excitement within the village.


We feel that the production and presentation of the film and associated events will strengthen links between residentsa nd promote community spirit. In a post pandemic world this will be particularly important.


We are convinced that this film will form an important document, valuable in the education of our children and in the integration of new residents for years to come.



Glenn Rodford


Chairman, Langford & District History Society

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